Sheep, when bunking with seafarers, go frequently overboard (often by choice and for unsavory reasons we shan’t consider).
And, yes, sheep can swim.

While “sheep overboard” is a curious seafaring circumstance, it is also a metaphor for our times.
We, the sheep, the simple folk, are being jettisoned. And after their brief triumph, first class will follow. For we - assorted cattle-class strap-hangers and crew - are automating the ship's workings and giving it a brain. Shortly after the vessel becomes self-operating (and we dread, self-aware) it will have no need of the luxury-class passengers nor the owners of the shipping line. This is a dark premonition of our near future explored by many articles herein.
They say the brains of children are changing, affected by technological times and the pace of life. They also say childhood is lost sooner in these troubling times, while ironically adults are failing to grow up.
Whichever, this we know: eons of village life is ended and virtual global entities permeate the noosphere, that homogenizing layer which calls our tune too well.
Times are indeed changing us – a little too rapidly.
The editor no longer feels elation, or thrills at life. He’s lived long, seen and read too much. Dots are connected.
Even life-changing luck would evoke only tears, for happiness is but blind ignorance on today’s Earth. Age and empathy enforce guilt that no fortune can erase.
There is no joy on this planet while half are hungry and so many brutalized.
Such dark broodings drive the melancholy on
For which I’m sorry but that’s old age.