Mr. C. Spencer, of New York City, opened a season at Adelaide Theatre Royal on Saturday night with his Theatrescope, worked by the only female operator in the world, namely, Senora Spencer.
Theatrescope belongs to the same class as all the other scopes and graphs that have had seasons of flickering in Adelaide. However, this particular scope has no flicker worth mentioning, and there is a good variety of pictures.
The whole Dam family, out for a bicycle ride; the life of Nelson; the career of Peace, a criminal who lays policemen out like a hero in a melodrama; and sundry pretty picture stories of cheese that walks, faithful dogs, new women (who are old now), Indians, cowboys, and numerous other things are all splendid films.
The staff of effect makers behind the scenes deserve a special word or two. There is something very realistic about the sound of the father smacking the boy on the trousers with a piece of board.
There was a good house on Saturday night, and to those who like picture shows we cordially recommend this one.
From Gadfly 28 February 1906 ~ Courtesy Trove